How Far Is It From the Southern Tip of Texas To the Canadian Border?

Embark on a geographical journey from the southern tip of Texas to the Canadian border, exploring the vast distance that spans North America. Uncover the diverse landscapes along this expansive route.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the impressive length of the journey from the southern tip of Texas to the Canadian border.
  • Explore the diverse terrains and regions that characterize this extensive North American stretch.
  • Gain insights into the geographical scale that showcases the vastness of the continent.

From southernmost Texas, the Canadian border is 1,602 miles (2,579 km) due north to the 49th parallel.

The 49th parallel is the 49th degree of latitude that defines part of the U.S.-Canadian border.

The U.S.-Canadian border is the longest undefended border in the world.