What Is a Monsoon, When Is the Monsoon Season In Asia, and What Does the Word Monsoon Mean In Arabic?

A monsoon is traditionally defined as a seasonal reversal of wind direction which is accompanied by changes in precipitation.

In Asia, the monsoon season runs from May to September, when Southern Hemisphere winds shift direction and blow north and west across the Equator into Asia, bringing moisture from the oceans they pass over on the way.

Monsoon winds bring much-needed rain, which farmers depend on for their crops.

But flooding often results when the ground has been hard and dry for many months and cannot absorb the sudden heavy rainfall.

The word monsoon comes from the Arabic word “mawsim” (موسم), which means “season”, and possibly from modern Dutch word “monsun”.

The Arabic origin word “mausam” (मौसम, موسم) also means “weather” in Hindi and several other North Indian languages.