Where can I find a List of Poisonous Plants so I can Grow a Baby and Kid-Safe Garden?

There are more poisonous plants on earth than you can imagine.

Here’s a partial list of them.

Rhubarb—the leaves are fatal. Even cooked, they’ve been known to kill.

Buttercups—all of these plants can cause damage to the stomach and intestines.

Oleander—the leaves and branches are extremely poisonous. They act as a heart palpitation drug and can cause death.

Foxglove—the leaves can be fatal.

Daffodils, narcissus, and hyacinth—the bulbs are poisonous and may be fatal.

Azalea, laurel, and rhododendron—all of these plants are highly toxic and can kill.

Jasmine—the berries are fatal.

Iris—the stems that grow underground can cause
damage to the stomach and intestines.

Lily of the valley—the flowers and leaves cause irregular palpitations of the heart.

Mistletoe—the berries are fatal.

Oak—the leaves and acorns can gradually poison, though it takes large quantities to do significant damage.

Cherry—the limbs and leaves are fatal.

Daphne—the berries are fatal.

Wisteria—the seeds and pods are a common cause of child poisonings. They cause stomach and intestinal distress.

Castor bean—the seeds can kill.

Elderberry—all parts cause digestive distress.

Larkspur—the seedlings and seeds act on the nervous system and can be fatal.

Monkshood—the roots cause upset stomach and diarrhea and sometimes nervousness.

Autumn crocus and star-of-Bethlehem—the bulbs induce vomiting.

Bleeding heart—the leaves and roots, if eaten in large amounts, may be fatal.

Elephant ear—the whole plant can cause intense allergic reaction if ingested and has led to anaphalactic shock.

Yew—the berries and leaves are fatal. No symptoms accompany this poisoning, just death.

Jack-in-the-pulpit—all parts cause burning when ingested.

Nightshade—all parts are fatal.

Poison hemlock—this plant resembles a carrot, and all parts of it are deadly.

Well, you get the idea. Ultimately, if you truly want a safe garden, it needs to start with your child. Don’t leave him unattended, and teach him not to put anything in his mouth.

Perhaps you should consider a vegetable and herb garden, although beware, even some of these plants have toxic parts.

Talk to your pediatrician and your local nursery, the green variety, for a complete list of safe plants.