Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch So Much and What Is the Best Way To Stop the Itching Of a Mosquito Bite?

A trace of mosquito saliva is injected when the mosquito bites.

The saliva contains an enzyme that prevents the victim’s blood from clotting while the mosquito feeds.

In humans, the enzyme prompts an immune reaction that brings mast cells to the wound. The mast cells release histamine, which produces the itching and red rash.

There is an easy remedy.

The saliva enzyme is a foreign protein to the body, and the simplest thing to do is to use meat tenderizer containing papain, which breaks down protein.

Papain is an edible vegetable enzyme derived from papaya.

Mix a small amount of meat tenderizer with a drop of water to form a paste and put it right on the bite.

It goes into the hole made by the insect’s proboscis, breaks down the protein molecules in the saliva and stops the itching right away.

To keep from getting bitten in the first place, stay inside at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active, and wear long sleeves and pants.

These simple measures would probably avoid half the bites.